Yesterday I decided I would forgo long-hand for the most part and type. It's much faster this way, and easier to keep track of an exact word count. Yesterday, I logged 2,498 words and today almost doubled that with 4,315 for a grand two-day total of 6,813. This is 4.54% of my (also new) word target of 150,000.
The part that excites me most, though, is that I was able to get to my main conflict in under 7,500 words and 20 pages. This was one of the main problems with my original NaNoWriMo manuscript, it just rambled on and on and took forever to get to the crux of the story. This newest incarnation has been streamlined and will get me to the conflict much more quickly.
Up next is, hopefully, some hardcore character development. Now that I can see how they act in their given situation, things will only get better as the stress and obstacles begin to pile up on them. Things are going smoothly.
Oh, also, I'm writing in just plain Word. Nothing fancy. Go figure. The point is, I'm writing. You should do that as well.
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Congrats on the beginning of, what I assume to be, your zombie novel. I have one tip for you: base a character off of me. Nothing can go wrong if you have someone as awesome as me in your book. And don't make my character the first zombie victim. I need some badass action scenes.
(I have the bad habit of posting comments and then reading over them looking for errors. In the end all I accomplish is looking like a jackass for having to delete my previous comment. Oh well!)
Here's another writing tip for you: skip the conflict. Everyone puts conflict in their novel! Break the mold and don't have any conflict. It'll be like Seinfeld (a show about nothing), and everyone loves Seinfeld.
Trust me, I'm in college.
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